Get more with Fidelity and iShares® bail ETFs

Select from a range of committee-complimentary bond ETFs for online purchase with low expense ratios to help you generate income.

Choose from a diversified offering of some of the most liquid and largest ETFs available to help round out your portfolio.

Leverage the benefits of global research, investing ideas, and didactics, and the strength of 2 marketplace leaders.

Looking for more commission-free bond ETFs?


How tin I earn income with bail ETFs?

Bond ETFs generally pay a return on a stock-still schedule, though the amount of payments tin vary. Here's a hypothetical example of the income that could be generated from a bond ETF at the end of a yr, using an boilerplate yield of iii.5% on the bonds held in the ETF.

For analogy just. Graphic depicts a simplified relationship between average yield of bonds in ETF and market value. This elementary explanation is hypothetical and does non depict actual investment results and does not reflect taxes, fees, aggrandizement, or tracking errors. The assumed charge per unit of return used in this example is not guaranteed.

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