Bookcase molding will give your furniture a mini makeover.

This is non Extreme Make-over:  The Bookcase Edition.

No plastic surgery.

No facial reconstruction.

No dental implants.

Aught drastic.

It'south just a mini-makeover.  Kind of like when Kathy Lee and Hoda nab an unsuspecting woman off the street and take her into the studio.  And they change her hair color and give her a new hair cutting and mode and put some eye shadow on her and dress her in some Spanx and a really cute outfit from JC Penny'due south.  And so she comes out from backside the curtain and her family is all like "You lot look incredible."  And then she breaks into hysterical sobs because she realizes that she has finally left the 1970's behind and stepped into 2012.

Not that the 1970'south isn't all that and a handbag of fries.

It's merely sometimes we all could use a mini-facelift.

Or a good pair of Spanxs.

Whichever comes first.

Old bookcases with no molding look dated and not fancy.

And so hither are the bookcases in their pre-makeover state.

Before Kathy Lee and Hoda plucked them off the street.

They were up in the guest bedroom…simply minding their own business organisation.  Until it was decided that we needed built-in closets on this wall and these bookcases really needed to find some other home.  So they fabricated the arduous trip downstairs to the library.

Where things are a lot fancier.

Much more uptown.

Much more the regal blue eye shadow and JC Penny spiffy dress crowd.

Adding crown molding to your bookcase will add a touch of elegance.

So to fancy up the bookcases for the library…

…we took four 1/2″ crown molding and added information technology to the top edge with a nail gun.

And mitered the corners.

Crown molding on book cases adds elegance to any room.


Okay….well….maybe simply a lilliputian fancier.

But not fancy enough for prime time.

The first step in elevating your bookcase's design is adding a piece of pine and an extra piece of trim.

So we added a 1 x viii pine board, inset 2″ from the front end of the bookcase.

In that location is a one 10 2 in the back, on the other side, behind the 1 10 8 to stabilize it.

And then we added another piece of shoe molding to the height to hide the gap between the 1 x 8 and the bookcase.

Because nothing says fancy like a piece of shoe molding.

Add caulked to the edges of your bookcase trim.

Then caulked in the edges.

And painted the pine and the molding white to match the bookcases.

And that's our mini-bookcase makeover.

Goose egg extreme.  Just a little mascara and highlights.

And when information technology's time for the reveal,

and the drape is lifted…

….the bookcase simply glides through it equally Kathy Lee and Hoda gleefully heighten their glasses high.

Let the toasting begin 🙂

Welcome to 2012, you cute bookcase, yous.

PS  I desire to clarify that when I refer to "we" in this postal service….my only part of this "we" was merely in that location for purely aesthetic direction.  The bodily sawing and nailing and painting was all done by the cutest carpenter on the planet!

PPS  I got a wide-angle lens for Female parent's Day.

Picket out world.

 If you lot want more molding inspiration….click here to check out all my other molding projects.

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